
Since 1996, the Adirondack-Catskill Chapter of Safari Club International has been dedicated to protecting our right to hunt. Chapter activities enable members to share their hunting experiences, provide support to hunters with disabilities, and encourage youth to enjoy the outdoors, shooting sports and participation in conservation efforts.

Chapter Events/Activities

JUNE CHAPTER MEETINGThursday, 6/20/2024, 6pmMeeting Location: Larry Steiner's house, 24 Church St. Otego, NY. Please bring dish to pass.
JULY CHAPTER MEETINGWednesday, 7/17/2024, 6pmMeeting Location: Karen & Pat Hooker's house. Please bring dish to pass.

SCI ALERT -- OPPOSE NYS SENATE BILL 3302 -- As we stand united against forces determined to undermine our traditions, we would like to make you aware of legislation currently being proposed in New York State. Lines in the sand must be drawn to prohibit the continued erosion of values we hold dear. And make no mistake, the battle for protecting your values will not end here. Please take the time to make your voice heard by opposing this legislation and other similarly proposed restrictions. Tell your NYS representatives to support conservation and oppose Senate Bill 3302.

Safari Club International has provided a website with more information: https://act.safariclub.org/JIHFtqO

The bill's status and sponsors can be found on the NYS Senate website: https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2023/S3302